Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions & answers about how to use our platform smoothly & easily.


It's pretty simple actually. We do not have hectic username & password login. Simply click on "Continue with Google" and you are in. You will redirect to your dashboard after successful sign in. Click on "create game" button & create your 1st game.

Up course, it's the secure & easy way to create & manage accounts. When you signin with google account, google will provide us your name, profile picture & email address to identity you & we will use these data to help in playing the game.

Once you add statements a share link will generate for you. Click on "Click Me" button to copy the share link & share with people you want to invite to play this game.

If you are the host of the game you can see all the player list along with their scoreboard from your dashboard on click "Results" button. If you want to see the score for the games you played there is a menu in left navigation bar "Completed Games" you can access it from there.

You don't have to do anything. Our bot will take care of it. Once you completed the game our bot will evaluate your answers and come up with a scoreboard for you. Download it and share on your social media status and stories for more fun.

It's absolutely free. Developed to have fun with friends and loved ones. You can play it as much as you want. You can create unlimited games & invite unlimited participant and enjoy it.